Louise smiling wearing red top on air Canada flight

Executive Coaching

Next Availability: October 2024

For business leaders who want a nurturing space to think and improve self-awareness to achieve their goals.

Louise combines 20 years of business leadership experience with her deep understanding of psychology, coaching tools and accessible art-based techniques.

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We All Need Space to Think

Life can get so hectic that we lose touch with our inner compass. 

The days blur together, leaving little space to think and reflect. 

Amid the busyness, there's a persistent feeling that something needs to change. 

It's like a whisper, reminding you there's more out there for you.

Yet, with so much on your plate, it's hard to pinpoint what that "more" actually is.

One day, you find yourself at a crossroads, ready to reconnect with your true desires and aspirations for the future.

This is where coaching comes in.

Coaching offers clarity to confidently cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters, guiding you to a fulfilling and purposeful path forward.

Meet Louise

I’m an Executive Coach, trained by the prestigious Barefoot Coaching.

I bring my unique combination of coaching, 20 years of business leadership experience and techniques from the world of art-making to unlock deeper growth.

My sessions are sensitively designed for leaders working in fast-paced environments looking for a nurturing space to think, improve self-awareness and get clear on how to achieve their goals.

Why Art-Making?

Firstly, getting creative helps you relax and “drop in” to a more present state at the start of a session to really make the most of our time together.

Whilst I'll mostly be using traditional coaching techniques, I will pepper the session with short, creative touchpoints which will help to embed your progress.

Getting creative with your hands helps you tune into what truly matters and go beyond the limitations of language when articulating your desires for the future. 

Research has shown that “more enriched environments” and multi-sensorial techniques encourage perspective-taking and help shift limiting beliefs to bring about lasting mindset change.*

*Susan Magsamen, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 

What You Can Expect Working with Louise

Vivid Clarity

I will help you bring your hopes and dreams to life. We’ll explore what you truly want and create a plan to make it happen - No more “what if’s!”

Inner Confidence

Together, we will uncover your limiting beliefs and identify the stories you tell yourself so you can get unstuck and create the momentum to achieve your goals.


Trust is everything - I will create a safe container for you to open up, share your fears and we’ll work through challenges sensitively and constructively. 

Energised for Action

After a session with me, people often say, “I really needed that!” With my encouragement, you’ll discover a newfound motivation and zest for life.

I'd love to help you

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