A lively and thought-provoking experiential session full of activities to develop core skills for allyship in large organisations.

Allyship is a buzzword now – leaders know they should do something to demonstrate support for underrepresented communities, but specifically what that looks like and how is unclear.

It’s easy to offer a definition and examples of authentic allyship, but embodying it is complex, uncomfortable and involves human connection; truly listening and understanding what people need.

The arts create a light and joyous atmosphere for a topic that can sometimes feel heavy, so your team leave feeling energised and inspired to take action!

We go deeper

This topic isn’t something that can solely be taught through typical classroom-based techniques.

That's why we've created
The Art of Allyship - a 2-hour experiential learning approach to understand what it feels like to walk the path of allyship.

We bring our expertise in Psychology, Art-making and inclusive business leadership together in a transformative experience like no other.

The arts have the power to transform the ways your teams interact...

Through collaborative art-making, deep questioning and storytelling, leaders will learn the benefits of moving past discomfort to open up new conversations that they typically struggle to have at work.

This develops their capacity for imperfection and perspective-taking – core skills for allyship.

Participants will experience this powerful trust-building process and understand how showing vulnerability and courage is a necessary complement to allyship.

Time: 2 hours

Attendees: 6 - 26 people per workshop

Large-scale roll-out programmes available

Nadia Nagamootoo

Nadia is a Chartered Psychologist and Founder & CEO of Avenir Consulting which specialises in helping organisations embed inclusive leadership practices.

She is also an accredited coach, the author of "Beyond Discomfort", a prolific speaker and host of the Why Care? podcast.

Louise Emily Thompson

Louise is the Founder of Art After Dark & a Professional Artist.

She spent twenty years in corporate roles, working on some of the world's most well-known brands, winning numerous creative industry awards.

As a former Marketing Director, working with many of the UK's top C-Suite business leaders, Louise understands the challenges facing leaders when it comes to getting the most out of their teams.

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