Cartamundi team workshop London

Team Development

A tailored programme to take your ambitious team to the next level of growth through higher trust, stronger teamwork and collaboration.

In-Person & Virtual Options

Implementing meaningful, complex change at scale requires you to go deeper than surface-level.

It requires skilful discovery of what’s going on in the darkness.

We help you uncover unspoken beliefs, mindsets and behaviours and draw them into the light.

Left undiscovered and unresolved, these beliefs and collective habits limit possibilities and hinder large-scale change initiatives.

We start with the foundations, helping you build a healthier team CULTURE building resilience into your team's RELATIONSHIPS.

Beliefs drive decisions -> Decisions drive behaviours -> Behaviours become practices.

We go deeper

We use techniques from the arts to create a level of psychological safety that's near impossible to create when it's business as usual.

Through a combination of 1:1 interviews, experiential workshops and group coaching, we break down silos and unlock the humanity in your people.

This profound experience has the power to take your team to the next level, inspiring collaboration, creative problem-solving and supercharging performance.

The arts have the power to transform the ways your teams interact;

- Building high-trust working relationships.

- Enabling people to have the difficult conversations they've been avoiding.

- Sparking more effective decision-making.

- Encouraging people to get out of their comfort zones.

- Nurturing creative thinking

- Sparking empathy through perspective-taking across diverse teams.

- Creating connection to your vision, values and strategic goals.

After years of senior leadership experience, I understand the challenges that you face in unlocking the full potential of your people and inspiring a sense of community in large organisations.

I will guide you and your teams through an unforgettable set of experiences that will live on and create lasting change.

We'd love to help you.

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“Art is our one true global language. It knows no nation, it favours no race, and it acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to reveal, heal, and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible.” – Richard Kamler

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