Coaching vs Mentoring vs Therapy - What's the difference?

I often get asked the difference between Coaching, Mentoring and Therapy.

As it's such a common question, I thought I'd write a blog post on it!

Louise in front of Flowers at conference centre
I like to describe it using a driving analogy.  
Imagine we're going on a journey with you as the driver and me in the passenger seat.
You're going to choose where you want to go. 
With coaching, I may point out a river or a bridge on the route, but you're driving.
I won't tell you which road to take as that would be mentoring as I'd be giving you advice based on my previous experience.
With coaching and mentoring, we may need to glance in the rear view mirror but not for too long - delving into your childhood and past is more like therapy and requires a trained therapist.
Through Coaching and Mentoring we would focus on the road ahead to get you safely where you want to go.
If you'd like space to think and gain clarity on how to move forward, I can help. 
If you're an individual, I offer a variety of Coaching and Mentoring Packages.
For leaders in organisations, please contact or book an Introductory call to discuss your requirements.
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